I was just thinking…
Post date: Dec 9, 2010 8:03:38 AM
I wanted to post a really great video of my birthday card I received last Friday from my Fiancée and daughter but the format was not correct. Technology is great, when it works. It can simultaneously solve and cause problems on such huge and tiny scales. Anyways, I will get it fixed and show you…it is really funny it plays the Chicken Dance song!!!
I wanted to post a really great video of my birthday card I received last Friday from my Fiancée and daughter but the format was not correct. Technology is great, when it works. It can simultaneously solve and cause problems on such huge and tiny scales. Anyways, I will get it fixed and show you…it is really funny it plays the Chicken Dance song!!!
They could see I was not having the best of times on my special day and came to my rescue with a chocolate cake and this GIANT card; I really felt loved….that was nice. Sometimes you need to figure out what it is that you want to matter in your world; I often forget it is up to me what matters. I am in control over only the way I react to things. One way I can make my actions less harsh is to always be aware of what really matters to me. For example, my situation can be really depressing at times, if what matters is our financial standing in the world. Leslie not having a job is tough financially and that is it. What really matters to me is my family and the fact we love each other; nobody is going to die due to a job loss…..well not this one anyways! So I guess what I mean is the financial standing is not really what matters at the end of the day, right now all of our needs are met and we can be comfortable today….that is more than a lot of people can say. I saw this quote today from Benjamin Franklin and had to share it….
They could see I was not having the best of times on my special day and came to my rescue with a chocolate cake and this GIANT card; I really felt loved….that was nice. Sometimes you need to figure out what it is that you want to matter in your world; I often forget it is up to me what matters. I am in control over only the way I react to things. One way I can make my actions less harsh is to always be aware of what really matters to me. For example, my situation can be really depressing at times, if what matters is our financial standing in the world. Leslie not having a job is tough financially and that is it. What really matters to me is my family and the fact we love each other; nobody is going to die due to a job loss…..well not this one anyways! So I guess what I mean is the financial standing is not really what matters at the end of the day, right now all of our needs are met and we can be comfortable today….that is more than a lot of people can say. I saw this quote today from Benjamin Franklin and had to share it….
“If you desire many things, many things will seem but a few.”
“If you desire many things, many things will seem but a few.”
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
Kind of puts it in perspective…..
Kind of puts it in perspective…..