Post date: Apr 15, 2020 3:42:03 AM

And will be again today, tomorrow and for the foreseeable future.

It's not an exact correlation, and It's closer than coincidence. Continued below...

The top pic is the number of COVID-19 cases and the blue shaded pic is the percentage of population that is socially vulnerable. One thing you can see is a big deal is the bordering zips of 63109 and 63116. The number of cases in North STL is greater than South STL especially when you figure in population density. In this article you can read about data showing this COVID-19 pandemic is more deadly to African-American people than their neighbors. This is not some outlier result. This is not any type of accident either, at least, not in STL. These results are the outcome of decades of intentional implementation of racist policies. Situations like these will continue to occur until we choose as a region to reverse the racist policies. Notice I say reverse, not simply end. There must be a reversal of the negative impacts of policies intended to do harm to a specific group. We can't simply stop harm and expect everything to be equal. There must be an active policy to undo the harm inflicted upon an entire population of people for no reason more than they exist.

Read here: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/missouri/articles/2020-04-13/blacks-make-up-large-percentage-of-missouri-virus-deaths

The first thing we MUST do is allocate more resources for testing, treatment, and recovery to Black communities. The unconscious wielding of privilege has to end. The way to do this is by allocating "too much" to communities once starved of critical resources. Correct, only by going to a point where most fear we are giving too much will we actually make a difference.